The Steichen Collections Luxembourg assemble works that are connected to the heritage of Edward J. Steichen (1879 – 1973) and his long, fruitful career related to photography.
The Steichen Collections Luxembourg assemble works that are connected to the heritage of Edward J. Steichen (1879 – 1973) and his long, fruitful career related to photography. Several public collections testify his prolific creation as a photographer and curator at the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA): those of the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA), the City of Luxembourg and the National Centre for Audiovisual Arts (CNA).
Edward Steichen, Self-Portrait with Camera, c. 1917 © 2015 The Estate of Edward Steichen / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
The Family of Man is a legendary photographic exhibition, created by Edward Steichen for the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in 1955. The exhibition reflects the humanist photography of the post-war years, declaring itself a manifesto for peace. Images by artists such as Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Wayne Miller, … were staged in a modernist and spectacular manner. After an international tour, the exhibition is now shown permanently at Clervaux castle and is part of the UNESCO’s Memory of the world list.
The Bitter Years is a tribute to documentary photography, featuring more than 200 images from one of the greatest collective projects in the history of photography: the documentation of rural America during the Great Depression by the Farm Security Administration.
Created in 1962 by Edward Steichen for the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the exhibition is today housed permanently in the Waassertuerm+Pomhouse in Dudelange, bringing together the iconic works of photographers, such as Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein and Russell Lee.
The Bitter Years collection is now in the archives of the Centre national de l'audiovisuel (CNA) in Dudelange where it is analysed and appraised with a view to new adventures.
A gallery dedicated solely to Edward Steichen, is the MNHA’s homage to his career as a photographer. The collection consists of 178 photos bequeathed to the State of Luxembourg by Steichen himself. The MNHA also conserves and exhibits the 44 photographs from the Steichen Collection belonging to the City of Luxembourg. For conservation reasons, both collections are displayed in cycles, presenting around 20 photos at a time.
The Steichen Collections of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg assemble works that are connected to the heritage of Edward J. Steichen (1879 – 1973). The American artist of Luxembourgish descent is world famous for his remarkably long and fruitful career related to photography. Not only was Edward Steichen a very prolific photographer, he was also director of the photography department at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, where his work as curator of photographicexhibitions was acclaimed worldwide.
The collections on display in Luxembourg reflect his two-fold activity: while the MNHA and the Villa Vauban honour the photographer with a selection of his private and commissioned works, the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA) with its two collections The Family of Man and The Bitter Years, highlights his achievements as curator, assembling the works by famous photographers.
The life of Edward Steichen (1879-1973) spanned a rich and varied artistic career: known above all for his photography work, he was also a painter, director, MoMA curator, gardener and passionate experimenter.
Edward Steichen, Self-Portrait with Camera, c. 1917 © 2015 The Estate of Edward Steichen / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Depuis ses débuts en tant que photographe aux ambitions artistiques, en passant par son engagement pour l’art moderne européen, qu’il a aidé à établir aux Etats-Unis, Edward Steichen fait preuve, dès ses débuts professionnels, d’une biographie riche et complexe. Cette conférence illustre son œuvre de la Belle Epoque jusqu’aux années noires de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Les romans de John Steinbeck et les chansons de Woody Guthry ont marqués la mémoire collective des années de la Grande Dépression aux USA. En 1963, Edward Steichen voulait rappeler cette période noire au public new-yorkais à l’aide d’une grande exposition photographique. L’exposition The Bitter Years n’a cependant pas eu le succès escompté. Steichen avait composé un monument visuel que nous commençons seulement à apprécier depuis quelques années.
Avec son exposition The Family of Man, Edward Steichen a composé une suite épique, fabriquée à partir de petites histoires et d’anecdotes privées, parfois presque intimes. Cette conférence fera le point sur l’histoire de certaines de ces photos, aujourd’hui universellement reconnues.
L’année 1922 a été difficile pour Edward Steichen. Sur le plan privé, mais aussi au niveau artistique, Steichen a dû subir plusieurs échecs. Après un divorce douloureux et la conviction qu’il ne serait jamais un grand peintre, Steichen, âgé alors de 43 ans se reprend pour commencer une nouvelle carrière aux Etats-Unis. Il deviendra le photographe attitré des éditions Condé-Nast.